Contact Me

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  • Request additional information on a certain topic discussed.
  • Provide suggestions on how to improve i.e., resources to add.
  • Ask for specific help for yourself, i.e. in-person resources local to you.
  • Ask questions about this website, i.e. how to find something.
  • Inform me of any site errors, i.e. videos not working, spelling errors.
  • Provide general feedback, both positive and constructive.

* After submitting your message, please allow up to 48 hours for me to reply.

You will be ignored if you . . .

  • Send spam or an otherwise inappropriate message.
  • Simply complain about a specific group of people, i.e. derogatory language towards people who use drugs.

* I will not tolerate hateful comments. You will be banned from this website if you fail to act maturely.

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