This powerful documentary explores the impact that fentanyl is having on the United States, particularly on youth living in Fresno, California. You’ll learn about the opioid crisis through the eyes of the families impacted by it, the law enforcement officers who are desperately trying to get it off the streets, and the medical professionals who witness countless opioid-related overdoses and deaths.
You’ll also hear from two mothers who want to pass a very powerful message along to other parents, and you’ll see the video footage of the moment they found their children unresponsive, overdosing in their rooms. This documentary serves as an eye opener to parents with the overall message that this is not “some other family’s problem” – it is impacting many of our children and it’s extremely important for parents to learn about addiction.
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“The pandemic has created another health crisis – mental health professionals say they’re seeing a significant rise in substance and alcohol abuse linked to COVID.”
“These are drugs that are wonderful and that is what is scary about it. I’ve heard kids say, ‘I never want to not feel like this again,’ that’s a powerful statement.”
“Since the start of 2020, 69 people have died of fentanyl-related overdoses in Fresno County. 38 of them were under the age of 30, the youngest was 16 years old.“
“There are high school and younger age kids that seek out fentanyl. They know exactly what it is, they know exactly what high it gives them and that’s what they crave. That’s what they want and that’s what they’re going after.”
“It was an argument to get him to come out of his room and engage with the family and unplug from social media. It got to the point of expulsions and then we realized that drugs were becoming a bigger part of our lives, something that we never thought that we would have in our life.”

“I can’t leave them and I can’t go join him, so I’m stuck here, I’m nowhere. Then you wonder why you’re here, what’s your purpose, what did you do wrong? Was I a bad mom, what did I do? You question everything in this world. I thought he was cleaning up, I thought he was getting better. I trusted him and I shouldn’t have.”
“You’re stuck in this conundrum of wanting them to grow and develop and be a productive member of society and turn into an adult and letting them have friendships and letting them experience how to drive and learning how to do these things that every adolescent should be going. But at the same time, they’re not okay and all this stuff is coming into play faster than you can blink.”
“More kids die two doors down and in their own beds from mom and dad than they do on the streets. That’s where we’re finding them – with their headsets still on, Xbox going, eyes rolled back in their head and a white foamy substance coming out of their mouth. And that that point they are gone.”
“Our hope there is that these parents come out of there knowing that they’re not alone. Most families think they’re the only family that is going through this and they’re not. There are more families going through this than anybody realizes.” Parents and Addicts in Need (PAIN)
“There is such a high volume of this substance that we cannot police or prosecute our way out of this crisis, we have to educate people.”
“Narcan is an opioid reversal agent – it has no other function, you can’t get high off of it, there’s nothing. It is strictly a nasal spray and it will bring them out of their opioid with overdose if you get to it in time.”
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Hey there! I hope you found this resource useful! If you’re interested in learning more about some of the topics discussed, you can browse through these additional resources. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help with anything else.
- Detecting Fentanyl. Saving Lives.
- Fentanyl: America’s Grim New Opioid Addiction
- Fentanyl: One Pill Kills
- Fentanyl Accounts for A Majority of Fatal Overdoses. But ERs Aren’t Testing For It
- Fentanyl Facts (CDC)
- Fentanyl Plus Stimulants Drives ‘Fourth Wave’ of Overdose Epidemic in The U.S.
- How The Fentanyl Crisis’ Fourth Wave Has Hit Every Corner of the US
- Inside a Free Fentanyl and Heroin Clinic
- Responding to a Fentanyl Overdose: What California First Responders Need to Know
- Straight Talk: Street Fentanyl [PDF]
- The Impact of The Deadly Fentanyl ‘Plague’ On One American City
- Why Fentanyl Is So Incredibly Dangerous
Opioid Crisis
- Beyond Supply: How We Must Tackle the Opioid Epidemic [PDF]
- California’s Opioid Crisis
- Facts About Naltrexone [PDF]
- Fentanyl: America’s Grim New Opioid Addiction
- How America Got Hooked on Opioids
- How Good Intentions Contributed to Bad Outcomes [PDF]
- How the Government is Making the Opioid Crisis Worse
- Opioid Crisis: Addiction, Overprescription, and Insufficient Primary Prevention
- The Impact of the Deadly Fentanyl ‘Plague’ on One American City
- The Opioid Crisis in Canada: A National Perspective
- Understanding the Opioid Overdose Epidemic
- Unraveling the Start of the Opioid Crisis
- What Led to the Opioid Crisis – and How to Fix It
- Why Is There an Opioid Crisis?
Opioid Use Disorder
- 2-Minute Neuroscience: Opioids
- Drug Addiction: How Opioids Like Fentanyl Work
- How Do Opiates Affect the Nervous System?
- How Drugs Hijack Your Brain’s Mu Opioid Receptors
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Opiate Addiction | The Causes
- Opiate Addiction | The Signs
- Opiate Addiction | Why It’s So Intense
- Opiate Use Disorder or Opiate Addiction?
- Opioid Addiction (CAMH)
- Opioid Overdose (WHO)
- Opioid Use Disorder (NIH)
- Opioid Use Disorder: Medical Treatment Options
- Opioids & the Body: The Science of An Overdose
- Signs of Opioid Use Disorder
- Therapeutic Approaches to Opioid Use Disorder: What is the Current Standard of Care?
- This Is What Happens to Your Brain on Opioids
- Treatment of Opioid-Use Disorders
- What Causes Opioid Addiction, and Why Is It So Tough to Combat?
Talking to Kids About Addiction
- 8 Tips for Talking to Kids About Drugs
- Do’s and Don’ts: Talking to Your Kids About Drugs
- How to Have a Conversation About Drugs and Alcohol with Your Kids
- How to Talk to Kids About Drugs in the Age of Fentanyl
- How to Talk to Young Children About Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
- How to Talk to Your Child About Drugs (Ages 6 to 8)
- How to Talk to Kids About Drugs
- How to Talk to Kids About Drugs
- Prepare Yourself to Talk Effectively
- Talk with Your Children About Gambling
- Talking to Teens about Drugs: Found in Reverse Translation?
- Teen Gambling
- Teens and Drugs: 5 Tips for Talking with Your Kids
- The Domino Effect: Youth and Substance Abuse
- What Parents of Teens Should Know About Online Gambling
- Why You Should Talk with Your Child About Alcohol and Other Drugs
- You Did Drugs. What Do You Tell Your Kids When They Ask?
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