This compelling documentary features six people who detail their poignant journey from addiction to recovery, including discussions of relapse. They discuss their childhood trauma and it is evident that these distressing experiences propelled their addictions. The emotional pain, too much to bare, led to their substance abuse because, as they describe, being intoxicated was a relief, a break, from their lives. They all hit their own personal rock bottoms and each found recovery through various treatment options.
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“I went with the idea of not even going back, but it was interesting. I went through it and then when I got home I thought, “well, that wasn’t so bad.” And then when Wednesday came for the second time to go I went again and then I just kept going and going.”
“I have a lot of things now. I had two bags of clothes and now I’ve got a 5-bedroom house that’s mine. My son lives with me, for over a year, and he’s about to graduate. My wife’s kids are here, they live with us full-time. I can sit back and be like, ‘That’s mine, I did that and I worked for it‘ and I feel good about it.”
“I know I’ve done a lot of bad things and I’m going to have to live with those. But I guess now I’m trying to seek redemption in society, try to pay my dues, I guess, trying to connect with people who are good for me. I can actually see people who are going good things and I try to just be around those people rather than the toxic people who aren’t going anywhere.”

“Relapse is a natural part of the recovery process and does not mean that treatment has failed. Often times, it serves as a learning process in which an individual learns to adjust their treatment plan to work better for them. Having the tools and resources already in place, they can get back onto the road to recovery.”
“I’m reminding myself now that there’s plenty of time to fix things if I give it a full honest effort. I can’t take things away that I’ve done in the past but I can be better, I can change my ways and change myself and be a better person.”
“Drug court was life changing to me. They have so many people and so much structure and the working on yourself and counselling and talking about things, intensive outpatient, was life-changing to me. The sharing and hearing other stories, it was the first time in my life I didn’t feel alone and that saved my life.”
“‘There are people who are dying for the seats that you’re in right now and if you’re not here to take this seriously then why are you here‘. That still gives me the chills every time I think about it. It made me really want to see if I could do this and that is when I fully committed myself to rehab and to better life.”
Continue Learning
Hey there! I hope you found this resource useful! If you’re interested in learning more about some of the topics discussed, you can browse through these additional resources. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help with anything else.
- Getting Sober and Staying Sober: How to Make Recovery Stick
- Mindful Addiction Recovery
- Russell Brand’s Speech on Drugs, Addiction, & Recovery
- SMART Recovery
- The Five Stages of Addiction Recovery
- The Neuroscience of Addiction Recovery
- The Role of Family in Addiction Recovery
- The Truth About Dopamine After Alcohol Addiction Recovery
- What’s the Difference Between Sobriety & Recovery?
- Creating a Relapse Prevention Plan
- Relapse Doesn’t Mean You’ve Failed
- Relapse is Part of Recovery
- Relapse Prevention and the Five Rules of Recovery
- Relapse Prevention, Addiction Triggers (Recovery Strategies)
- The Four Essentials of Relapse Prevention
- The Three Stages of Relapse
- What is Relapse & What is it Not?
- What is the Difference Between a Slip and Relapse?
- What To Do After a Relapse
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