“Dr. Jeff Harries, the founder of the Canadian Alcohol Use Disorder Society, has been working to ensure that AUD be understand and treated as a medical condition.” He strongly believes that “people suffering from this disease should not be shamed or marginalized. His 20 years of experience in prescribing effective medications and spreading awareness of a more effective, compassionate approach has helped thousands of people to recover and heal.” Unfortunately, his work was derailed when he was diagnosed with ALS in 2018. He passed in 2021.
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“Alcohol Use Disorder is a chronic disease that affects the brain, not a moral failing. For too long we’ve been trying to get patients to quit or reduce consumption by shaming or berating them. I’m filled with hope that we can view this disorder with compassion.”
“The idea is that you can take a medication over a period of time, and that may actually be not for a long time, but it reduces the cravings, allows your brain to heal, and then you can move forward from there.”
“Jeff was one of the most kind and patients doctors I had ever spoken with. Before then I truly thought I was going to have to die with this disease and I was so embarrassed about it that I had some pretty bad thoughts. I had been shut down by other physicians saying, you know, ‘willpower and just stop drinking, get it out of the house’. But Jeff Harris gave me that first boost up on the whole ‘I could do this myself’.”

“A lot of what I’ve learned in the last 3 years and taught giving these talks is that hope is such an important part of recovering for them – to have hope and for people around them to have hope.”
“People do things they just would not do if they weren’t under the influence of alcohol. We certainly are the frontline people – we see these people when they’re at their lowest, we see these people when alcohol has ravaged and caused so much destruction in their lives.”
“The Canadian Alcohol Use Disorder Society was formed about 5 months ago and it was really Jeff’s idea that we should put in place an organization that can help promote this understanding, provide hope and compassion for people in a different way that’s been happening in the past, and expand that understanding so that there isn’t this failure demand.”
Continue Learning
Hey there! I hope you found this resource useful! If you’re interested in learning more about some of the topics discussed, you can browse through these additional resources. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help with anything else.
Alcohol Use Disorder
- Alcohol Use Disorder (AMH Resources)
- Alcohol Use Disorder (Mayo Clinic)
- Alcohol Withdrawal
- Alcoholism – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Pathology
- Alcoholism – The Deadly Truth About Its Stigma
- Canadian Alcohol Use Disorder Society
- Canadian Guideline for the Clinical Management of High-Risk Drinking and Alcohol Use Disorder
- High-Risk Drinking and Alcohol Use Disorder
- How I Overcame Alcoholism
- Medications For the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence
- Stages of Alcoholism
- The Impact of Alcoholism on Society
- The Truth About Dopamine After Alcohol Addiction Recovery
- Why Alcohol Belongs in the Mental Health Conversation
- 2-Minute Neuroscience: Alcohol
- A Brief History of Alcohol
- Alcohol’s Role in Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
- Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline
- Effects of Alcohol Use
- How Alcohol Affects Your Body
- How Alcohol Changes Your Body
- How Does Alcohol Cause Hangovers?
- How Does Alcohol Make You Drunk?
- How Is Alcohol Made and Distilled?
- How to Calculate a Standard Drink
- Is Alcohol Harming Your Stomach?
- Knowing Your Limits with Alcohol [PDF]
- Risks, Dangers, and Effects of Alcohol on the Body
- This is Why You Get Hungover
- What Are the Effects of Alcohol on the Body?
- What Effect Does Alcohol Have On Your Health — And Your Liver?
Dr. Jeff Harries
- Helping to Change the Paradigm of Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder
- Jeff Harries: Hope, Compassion, & Knowledge – Treating Alcoholism with Medication
- Penticton, B.C. Film Company Documents a Local Doctor’s Work With Alcoholism
- Stepping Up: A B.C. Doctor Spreads the Word About Treating Alcohol Dependence With Medication
- Visionary Doctor Dies, Mission to Help Alcoholics Lives On
Medications for AUD
- In My Experience: AUD Treatment
- Medications for AUD
- Medications for AUD
- Medication Treatments for AUD
- Medications for Treating Alcohol Dependence
- New Study Finds Medications to Treat Alcohol Addiction Underused
- These 5 Medications Can Help You Stop Drinking
- What Medications Are Used to Treat AUD? [PDF]
- Why Aren’t More People Taking Medication for Alcohol Use Disorder?
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